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Consultant to conduct a training/workshop for journalists

Consultant to conduct a training/workshop for journalists


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UNFPA Arab States Regional Office is hiring a Consultant to conduct a training/workshop for journalists on how to report on population and development related issues on traditional and digital media platforms   - Individual Consultant is highly appreciated.


Location : The consultant will work virtually during the preparation and post training phases

The consultant will conduct the training in person

The consultant might be required to travel

Application Deadline :  29 June 2022

Type of Contract : Individual Consultant 

Language Required:  Fluency in English  is required

Duration: Total duration of the job is ten working days - Contract length one month (September 2022)

 How to apply:

 1- Please email your CV/Resume along with a cover letter and P11 Form to asrovacancies@unfpa.org - noting that P11 Form must be submitted

2- Please specify the position title in the email subject

3- Only applications sent to asrovacancies@unfpa.org will be considered

4-Applications received after the deadline of 15 November 2020 will be disregarded