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Why we innovate

Innovation is key to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Beyond SDG 9 on industry, innovation and infrastructure, innovation drives progress towards all 17 global goals, and helps to mobilize new approaches, resources and partnerships. 

UNFPA's strategic plan 2022-2025 focuses on "Acceleration," "Transformation," and "Reaching the furthest behind," and thus positions innovation front and centre to achieve UNFPA's three transformative results: ending preventable maternal deaths, ending the unmet need for family planning, and ending gender-based violence and all harmful practices, including female genital mutilation and child, early, and forced marriage. 

This is why UNFPA in the Arab region utilizes, supports and invests in innovation: through pioneering technology, digital solutions and new alliances with social businesses and local innovation ecosystems to reach more women and girls – quickly, efficiently and at scale. 

“To disrupt inequality and realize the Sustainable Development Goals, we need to remove the barriers standing between women and girls and their rights and choices,” Dr. Natalia Kanem, UNFPA Executive Director.

UNFPA's innovative solutions in the Arab states

Innovation is the key to unlocking a world of opportunity in the Arab region. The region ranks one of the highest in the world in terms of connectivity and mobile uptake, the youth population is vast, local IT startups are raising billions of dollars annually and the potential of the Arab innovation ecosystem shines brightly delivering social impact for women and girls across countries and communities. 

UNFPA translates this potential into tangible results on the ground: In the Arab states, UNFPA supports at-scale technologies preventing, responding and mitigating gender-based violence working with governments and partners, implements digital solutions to reach midwives with real-time, life saving skills training and information in humanitarian settings, and empowers young entrepreneurs in addressing harmful practices and female genital mutilation through pioneering start-ups.

The UNFPA Arab states innovation portfolio is growing with more than 20 innovation initiatives being launched and scaled across 15 country offices. The projects help to create access, break barriers, and unleash the potential of women, girls and youth in the Arab region.