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1 July 2024
Aicha during her participation in the information session on SRH conducted by midwives. ©UNFPA Morocco/Hassan Chabbi

Moroccan midwives save lives and shape strong communities

Morocco has made significant progress in reducing maternal mortality in recent years, with the maternal mortality rate now only slightly above the... Read more

28 June 2024
Press Release
Youth participating in the Regional High-Level Meeting on Young People’s Learning, Skilling, and Transition to Decent Work

Conclusion of the 2024 Regional High-Level Meeting on Young People’s Learning, Skilling, and Transition to Decent Work

The Second Regional High-Level Meeting (HLM) on Young People’s Learning, Skilling, and Transition to Decent Work concluded today. Hosted by Tunisia... Read more

18 June 2024
Statement from UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem on the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Con

Hearing and healing survivors of sexual violence is essential to lasting peace

Women rarely start wars but often suffer most from them – driven from their homes, separated from their families, deprived of livelihoods and... Read more

18 June 2024
Sudan is in the grips of a humanitarian catastrophe. Up to 12 million people have fled their homes, 2 million of them to unstabl

Sexual violence and conflict in Sudan: A war on the bodies of women and girls

DARFUR/KHARTOUM, Sudan – Aisha* lost both her parents last year, aged just 17. “I was left alone at home. I couldn’t reach out to any of my relatives... Read more

12 June 2024
Keynote by UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem 

Call for Action: Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza

It’s very difficult to talk about ‘early recovery,’ given the calamitous humanitarian situation in Gaza today. First, there has to be an immediate... Read more

9 June 2024
Yousra, a Midwife from Syria © Basheer Sijary for UNFPA

Midwives save lives in remote, war-torn Syria

“In my 25 years as a midwife, one of my most challenging cases was a high-risk pregnancy of a woman carrying twin fetuses,” says Yusra, 47, midwife... Read more

4 June 2024
Press Release
Qatar Fund for Development contributes US$1 million to UNFPA in support of women’s and girls’ rights and health

Qatar Fund for Development contributes US$1 million to UNFPA in support of women’s and girls’ rights and health

UNITED NATIONS, New York – The Qatar Fund for Development has contributed $1 million in core funds to UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund.... Read more

28 May 2024
 Internally displaced people in a camp near the Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis, southern Gaza. © Bisan Owda for UNFPA

Women and girls’ dignity is latest casualty in brutal Gaza war

UNFPA is appealing for $90 million to address the most pressing needs of women and girls in Gaza and the occupied West Bank from January to December... Read more

14 May 2024
Press Release
The Association of Rotary Clubs UAE and UNFPA’s New Partnership

The Association of Rotary Clubs UAE and UNFPA’s New Partnership

The Association of Rotary Clubs UAE and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) came together in a significant step forward for community service... Read more

13 May 2024
A few months after giving birth, Seyoun visits her doctor, Dr Mayada, for counselling & family planning services. ©UNFPA Yemen

In remote Yemen, pregnant women race for life-saving care

"You’re a fighter, Sayun," the nurse whispered into my ear. "We’re with you. You won't give up, will you?" Sayun, 35,... Read more
