“At first I was very shy. I couldn’t talk to men and boys, but gradually I overcame that fear,” says Rabaa Abdel Hamid, who volunteers with the Nawah Theatre Team in Minya, Egypt.
Nawah is part of a UNFPA-supported Population Awareness Club, one of several that work in youth centres across Egypt to raise awareness of reproductive health and rights.
“When I first joined Nawah, I asked myself, what is the point of acting? We are from the countryside and girls can’t even go out, let alone become actors.”

Rabaa was trained in reproductive health, gender-based violence, and lessons in life and love.
“Many things were new to me, like female genital mutilation and family planning. I worked hard to become a trainer in reproductive health, and I learned new leadership skills,” Rabaa explains.
Today, Rabaa’s group writes and performs interactive plays that encourage participants to discuss these issues in a fun, entertaining and non-threatening way in Egypt.
“The awareness-raising sessions have a significant effect on people. Especially theatre, where people really engage. I believe that theatre helps share information in a very positive way.”
“I went from a shy person with no knowledge on many topics to someone who can speak confidently to hundreds of people about these issues today,” Rabaa says.
Huge opportunity
This year, 2024, marks three decades since governments worldwide adopted the Programme of Action at the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo. This visionary agreement called for young people to have access to the information and education needed to make responsible decisions about their reproductive and sexual health. While the Arab region has made significant progress toward the ICPD's vision, it has been uneven, hindered by instability, conflict and climate change.
In Egypt and throughout the Arab world, a substantial portion of the populations are young. One in three individuals is 14 years old or younger, and more than one in four is between 10 and 24.
The decisions made by millions of Arab youths in the coming years will significantly impact the region's progress toward peace, stability, and long-term prosperity. UNFPA is committed to providing them with the skills, knowledge and support they need to make informed choices about their bodies, lives and futures.