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UNFPherebsolicits a technical and financial qualified bids to produce high quality videos and photos featuring human interest stories related to our mandate from UNFPA ASRO country offices in the region and help amplify the voices of women and girls. The multimedia products will cover 15 Arab countries.


Quotations should be submitted by email to asro.tenders@unfpa.org  


Quotations must contain:


a) Technical proposal: (profile of the company and samples of previous video and photo production and the capacity of managing similar projects in different countries), in response to the requirements outlined in the service requirements / TORs.

Kindly provide us with a cloud-based link for your multimedia materials, as the files tend to be large in size and this will enable easy access for our evaluation panel."

b) Financial quotation, to be submitted strictly in accordance with the price quotation form.


All parts of the quotation must be signed by the bidding company’s relevant authority and submitted in PDF format.


Deadline for submission :    Tuesday 11 April 2023, at 4pm Cairo time.

Submitted to:-


Namof contact persoat UNFPA:

ASRO Tenders

Email address ocontacperson:
