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UNFPA Regional Situation Report for Syria Crisis

A new health facility and new women and girls safe spaces started providing services in two hard to reach communities in Idleb, Syria.

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UNFPA RESPONSE IN YEMEN Monthly Situation Report

Against the rapidly deteriorating humanitarian situation, the threat of famine and the urgent need for resources, a High-Level Pledging Conference for the Humanitarian Crisis in Ye...

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UNFPA IRAQ COUNTRY OFFICE: Mosul Humanitarian Response

According to the IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix, 369,000 individuals had been displaced from West Mosul between 25 February to 23 April 2017. Departures continue to surpass arriv...

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UNFPA IRAQ COUNTRY OFFICE: Mosul Humanitarian Response Weekly report #49: 9 April - 15 April 2017

In the past week, 331,140 people were recorded to have been living in displacement from the East and the West parts of the city of Mosul since 17 October 2016. During the period be...

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UNFPA Regional Situation Report for Syria Crisis

Displacements continue to increase in northern Syria, with over 68,000 recorded in February alone. Women and girls living in displacement require reproductive health care, includin...

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UNFPA RESPONSE IN YEMEN Monthly Situation Report #02 – February 2017

On 8 February, the United Nations and humanitarian partners launched the 2017 Humanitarian Response Plan with an international appeal for US$2.1 billion to provide life-saving assi...

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UNFPA IRAQ COUNTRY OFFICE: Mosul Humanitarian Response

Since military operations in western Mosul began on 19 February, approximately 8,000 people have fled from western Mosul and its surrounding villages to locations south of Mosul ci...

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UNFPA Jordan resumed providing services to Syrians stranded in the no-man’s land “the berm” between the Jordanian and Syrian borders, after months of disruption o...

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UNFPA IRAQ COUNTRY OFFICE: Mosul Humanitarian Response 5 – 12 February 2017

As of 12 February 2017, some 152,448 people were living in displacement while over 9,100 have in the past week returned to areas recently retaken by government forces in eastern Mo...

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