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SWOP 2020 Highlights Brochure

SWOP 2020 Highlights Brochure
SWOP 2020 Highlights Brochure



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SWOP 2020 Highlights Brochure

Publication date

17 May 2022

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An estimated 121 million pregnancies per year take place in the bodies of women who did not choose pregnancy or motherhood, who were not planning to have a child at that time, with that partner, in those circumstances. This is an unseen crisis, invisible in part because it is so common – nearly everyone knows someone who has experienced an unintended pregnancy – and in part because it is widely stigmatized. Yet it exacts an unbearable toll on the lives of individuals, societies and the world. This report brings together the latest evidence and reveals that unintended pregnancy is a personal issue, a health issue, a human rights issue, a development issue, and a humanitarian issue.