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Registered Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Jordan September, 2020

Registered Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Jordan September, 2020
Registered Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Jordan September, 2020



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Fact Sheet

Registered Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Jordan September, 2020

Publication date

09 May 2021

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UNFPA ASRO in partnership with UNHCR MENA developed infographics addressing the demographic profile of registered Syrian refugees and asylum seekers in Four countries: Jordan, Turkey, Iraq, and Lebanon. This new data allows a more nuanced understanding of the Syrian refugee population, focusing on women of reproductive age, adolescent girls, youth and older persons.

The infographics provide policymakers with evidence to develop appropriate policies and programmes to ensure that the needs and rights of different population groups of Syrian refugees and asylum seekers are equitably addressed.

This infographic addresses the demographic profile of registered Syrian refugees and asylum seekers in Jordan.  



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