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The Arab region is brimming with talent, drive and energy and boasts a growing innovation ecosystem, advanced tech start-ups, high internet access and digitized markets. UNFPA in the Arab states unleashes innovation to bring transformative change in a region where war, poverty and complex emergencies continue to harm and hold women and girls back. This strategy has been developed by the UNFPA Arab States Regional Office and the UNFPA Arab iNetwork. It demonstrates the commitment of UNFPA in the Arab region to innovation and outlines three strategic priorities for regional impact. The strategy provides a set of recommendations for the UNFPA Regional Office and country offices accompanied by a Results Framework for 2024 and 2025. The strategy will support UNFPA in the Arab region to accelerate innovation towards the three transformative results and enable the transformative impact it can offer. The time is now, and we must aspire to no less than disruptive solutions reaching women and girls fast, efficiently and at scale, with life saving services and norm breaking innovations.