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Meet Haneen: A Syrian refugee’s struggle with child marriage and accessing care

calendar_today 19 April 2016

Meet Haneen: A Syrian refugee’s struggle with child marriage and accessing care

NABATIYEH, Lebanon – In late 2013, Haneen, now 14, fled Syria with her parents and 10 siblings. As her family made its way to the Turkish border, her father sustained…

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معاناة اللاجئين السورين مع الزواج المبكر

calendar_today 19 April 2016

معاناة اللاجئين السورين مع الزواج المبكر

"ليس لدينا بنات للزواج"؛ اعتادت خولة الرد بهذه الكلمات على الرجال الأردنيين أو الأجانب الذين يطلبون منها يد ابنتها البالغة من العمر 14 عاماً عندما يأتون باحثين عن عروس…

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calendar_today 18 April 2016


SHABWAH, Yemen – The nearly year-long conflict in Yemen has now embroiled 21 of the country’s 22 governorates, civilian casualties are common, food is in short supply…

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How a new blood bank is saving the lives of pregnant women in Darfur

calendar_today 05 April 2016

How a new blood bank is saving the lives of pregnant women in Darfur

Last year, when Zahar Ali went into labour with her first child, her family brought her to El Fasher Maternity Hospital, North Darfur’s largest health facility offering maternity…

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A Year of Conflict in Yemen Puts the Lives of 3.4 Million Women of Reproductive Age at Risk

calendar_today 30 March 2016

Press Release

A Year of Conflict in Yemen Puts the Lives of 3.4 Million Women of Reproductive Age at Risk

A year of conflict in Yemen has led to 21.2 million people requiring some form of humanitarian assistance, with nearly half of them being women and girls. UNFPA, the United…

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Fighting for justice for women amidst conflict in Yemen

calendar_today 28 March 2016

Fighting for justice for women amidst conflict in Yemen

Aisha* was raised in a one room apartment adjacent to her father’s grocery shop in a small town 100 kilometres from Sana’a, Yemen’s capital. Shortly after she turned 12, her…

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A conversation with UNFPA Goodwill Ambassador Ashley Judd

calendar_today 24 March 2016

A conversation with UNFPA Goodwill Ambassador Ashley Judd

During the 60th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), UNFPA announced that it was appointing actor and activist Ashley Judd as UNFPA Goodwill Ambassador for the Empowerment of…

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The time is now: A call to end female genital mutilation, child marriage and son selection by 2030

calendar_today 17 March 2016

The time is now: A call to end female genital mutilation, child marriage and son selection by 2030

“When I was 12-years old, my family organized a ceremony to transition my sisters and myself to become women,” says Kakenya Ntaiya, a member of Kenya’s Maasai tribe. “I was first…

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