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Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 day one recap

calendar_today 14 November 2019


Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 day one recap

World leaders, representatives of non-governmental organizations, young people, business leaders and community groups began unveiling their commitments to end preventable maternal…

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UNFPA calls for protection of women and adolescent girls  in northeastern Syria and end to hostilities

calendar_today 15 October 2019


UNFPA calls for protection of women and adolescent girls in northeastern Syria and end to hostilities

Cairo, 15 October 2019 - “UNFPA is extremely concerned about the current situation in northeastern Syria,” said Dr. Natalia Kanem, Executive Director of the United…

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GirlForce:  Unscripted and unstoppable on the road to Nairobi and beyond!

calendar_today 11 October 2019


GirlForce:  Unscripted and unstoppable on the road to Nairobi and beyond!

Statement by UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem on the International Day of the Girl Child, 11 October

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Marking the International Day of the Girl, UNFPA launches publication to highlight the strength of Syrian adolescent girls

calendar_today 10 October 2019


Marking the International Day of the Girl, UNFPA launches publication to highlight the strength of Syrian adolescent girls

UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, is pleased to announce the launch of  "Unbroken," a publication that showcases the remarkable…

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Preventable maternal deaths down from 2000, but rate of progress at a crawl

calendar_today 08 October 2019


Preventable maternal deaths down from 2000, but rate of progress at a crawl

Data from 2017 show that approximately 810 women die each day of preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. This is a roughly 38 per cent decline in the global…

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Life-saving services at risk as humanitarian funding dries up in Yemen

calendar_today 02 October 2019


Life-saving services at risk as humanitarian funding dries up in Yemen

UNFPA’s procurement of medicines has already stopped due to lack of funds. By the end of August, 100 of the 268 hospitals UNFPA currently supports were closed, and another 75 will…

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After days on the run, pregnant Syrian woman finds safe haven and safe delivery

calendar_today 25 September 2019


After days on the run, pregnant Syrian woman finds safe haven and safe delivery

AL HOL CAMP, Syria – “I never expected that I would be in this situation and suffer so much,” 18-year-old Khadeeja told a UNFPA health worker in the Al-Hol…

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Pushing the ICPD agenda by defeating barriers

calendar_today 29 August 2019


Pushing the ICPD agenda by defeating barriers

Growing up, Thekra Alhazmi, from Saudi Arabia, knew that the odds were against her dreams. She wanted to study electrical engineering. STEM studies and jobs are largely male…

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With GBP 7 million in funding over the coming year, the United Kingdom continues to support UNFPA’s response to the Syria crisis

calendar_today 28 August 2019


With GBP 7 million in funding over the coming year, the United Kingdom continues to support UNFPA’s response to the Syria crisis

In continuation of the extended partnership between the Department for International Development of the United Kingdom (DFID) and UNFPA, DFID is contributing GBP 7 million over…

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