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New High-Level Commission will ensure promises made at Nairobi Summit are kept as COVID-19 pandemic threatens to turn back the clock for women’s health and rights

New High-Level Commission will ensure promises made at Nairobi Summit are kept as COVID-19 pandemic threatens to turn back the clock for women’s health and rights

Press Release

New High-Level Commission will ensure promises made at Nairobi Summit are kept as COVID-19 pandemic threatens to turn back the clock for women’s health and rights

calendar_today 17 September 2020

NEW YORK - 17 September 2020 - A new High-Level Commission of advocates, experts and activists was established today to help commitments to women’s health and rights made at the November 2019 Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 stay on track, even during the COVID-19 pandemic, which is blocking access to essential services, such as family planning and antenatal care.


The Nairobi Summit secured billions of dollars in commitments from governments, the private sector, foundations and others. It rallied support to achieve “three zeros” – zero unmet need for family planning, zero preventable maternal deaths, zero gender-based violence and harmful practices – in 10 years.


UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, and the governments of Denmark and Kenya convened the Summit 25 years after the landmark International Conference on Population and Development, which culminated in a global agreement that sexual and reproductive health and rights are a necessity for growth and prosperity. But progress in securing these rights has stalled.


“Since the Nairobi Summit, the road to 2030 and the achievement of sexual and reproductive health and rights for all has grown steeper due to COVID-19,” says UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem. “Yet we continue to forge ahead, to back up words with deeds and action on the ground. The new High-Level Commission will help all of us who made commitments in Nairobi keep those promises.”


Like the delegates at the Nairobi Summit, the membership of the High-Level Commission is radically inclusive. Chaired by H.E. Mr. Jakaya Kikwete, Former President of the United Republic of Tanzania, and H.E. Michaëlle Jean, 27th Governor General of Canada, its members range from former heads of state to grassroots activists and youth. (For a full list of members, see below).


The Commission will monitor and report on progress towards fulfilling the 1,250 commitments made at the Nairobi Summit, and in particular the 12 global commitments contained in the Nairobi Statement on ICPD25, and make recommendations for removing bottlenecks so that the sexual and reproductive health and rights community maintains its momentum towards a world of rights and choices for all.


More information about the High-Level Commision, its members and activities can be found here: https://unf.pa/hlc


UNFPA delivers a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe, and every young person's potential is fulfilled.


For media and interview enquiries, please contact: Eddie Wright: +1 917 831 2074; ewright@unfpa.org

From Commitments to Action:

High-Level Commission on the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 Follow-up




Designation and Organization


Mr. Hatim Aznague

Founder & President of the “Sustainable Development's Youth” Association


Dr. Alvaro Bermejo

Director General, IPPF


Mr. Rudelmar Bueno de Faria

General Secretary, Action by Churches Together (ACT) Alliance


Ms. Franka Cadée

President, International Confederation of Midwives


Ms. Dawn Casey

Deputy CEO, National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation


Ms. Alexandra Chichikova

Miss World Wheelchair 2017; advocate for SRHR and GBV among people with disabilities


Mr. Martin Chungong

Secretary General, Inter-Parliamentary Union


Mr. Henk de Jong

Chief of International Markets, Royal Philips


Ms. Jaha Dukureh

CEO, Safe Hands for Girls


Dr. Mary-Ann Etiebet 

Executive Director, Merck for Mothers


Ms. Senait Fisseha

Director, International Programs, Susan Buffett Foundation


H.E. Michaëlle Jean  (Co-chair)

27th Governor General of Canada; 3rd Secretary General of the International Organization of la Francophonie


Ms. Lorence Kabasele

President of AfriYAN (ESA)


Mr. Martin Karadzhov

Chair of the Youth Steering Committee of ILGA World (The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association)


Mr. Sangeet Kayastha

Coordinator, Y-PEER Asia-Pacific Center


H.E. Mr. Jakaya Kikwete (Co-chair)

Former President, United Republic of Tanzania


Mr. Hans Linde

Chairman, Riksförbundet för Sexuell Upplysning (RFSU)


Hon. Angélica Lozano

Senator, Parliament, Colombia


Dr. Sara Pantuliano

Chief Executive, Overseas Development Institute


Ms. Latanya Mapp Frett

President and CEO, Global Fund for Women


Ms. Lucy Mulenkei

Executive Director, Indigenous Information Network


Professor Friday Okonofua

Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Benin


Ms. Bandana Rana

Vice Chair, UN CEDAW Committee


Professor Gamal Serour

Director, International Islamic Center for Population Studies, Al-Azhar University, Cairo


Professor Keizo Takemi

Universal Health Coverage Advocate


Dr. Nahid Toubia

Assistant Professor at Columbia University and Director of RAINBO (Research, Action and Information Network for Bodily Integrity of Women)


Ms. Jayathma Wickramanayake

Envoy of the Secretary-General on Youth, UN


H.E. Ms. Lindiwe Zulu

Secretary of the Board, Partners in Population and Development

Minister of Social Development, South Africa

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