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International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation

6 February 2024 - 6 February 2024


International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation

Female genital mutilation limits opportunities for women and girls around the world to exercise their rights and realize their full potential. While progress has been made, there’s much more to be done.

Indeed, this progress needs to be at least 10 times faster to meet the global target of ending female genital mutilation by the year 2030.


13 September 2023 - 1 July 2024


International Conference on Population and Development

Today, it is globally recognized that fulfilling the rights of women and girls is central to development. But if one were to trace the origins of this realization, many threads would lead back to Cairo in 1994.

There, at the International Conference on Population and Development, diverse views on human rights, population, sexual and reproductive health, gender equality and sustainable development merged into a remarkable global consensus that placed individual dignity and human rights, including the right to plan one’s family, at the very heart of development.

Challenges and prospects 10 years after the 2013 Cairo Declaration

13 September 2023 - 14 September 2023

Beirut, Lebanon

Challenges and prospects 10 years after the 2013 Cairo Declaration

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) and its 1994 Programme of Action, UNFPA Arab States Regional Office, ESCWA, and the League of Arab States, in partnership with the International Planned Parenthood Federation - Arab World Region, are organizing the sixth regional review conference on the implementation of the 2013 Cairo Declaration ten years after its adoption.

