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Joint Statement by United Nations agencies in the Arab States Region on the


On the occasion of the International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C), United Nations agencies reiterate their position that FGM/C is a grave violation of the human rights of women and girls, and a harmful practice that can have profoundly detrimental impact on their health, including their psychological, sexual and reproductive health and can sometimes cause their death.

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Analysis of the midwifery workforce in selected Arab countries


This report was commissioned by the United Nations Population Fund(UNFPA) Arab States Regional Office (ASRO). The main coordinators from UNFPA were Maha El Adawy and Mohamed Afifi, with support from Luc de Bernis and Michaela Michel-Schuldt. 

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2014 Arab FBOs Declaration in Support of the Post-2015 Development Agenda


Toward Enhancing The Faith-Based Organizations’ Role in Arab States in the Field of Sexual and Reproductive Health Beyond 2015

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Position Paper on Sexual and Reproductive Health in the Arab States


This position paper builds on the findings of the regional consultation with participation from representatives from ministries of health and UNFPA from 13 countries: Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia, and Yemen convened by UNFPA’s Arab States Regional Office to discuss the place of sexual and reproductive health in the new health agenda, and particularly in universal health coverage.  

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Cairo Declaration of Arab States Civil Society Organizations


Common position of Arab States Civil Society Organizations in support of the ICPD Agenda Beyond 2014 in Preparation for the International Development Agenda Post 2015. 

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Arab States Regional Midwifery Conference Statement


The Arab States Regional Midwifery Conference Statement is an outcome of the Second Regional Midwifery Conference in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia held from 1 through 2 April 2014.  

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The Role of Data in Addressing Violence against Women and Girls


As the global spotlight has turned more sharply over the last decade on the persistence of violence against women and girls, the need for more and better data to inform evidence-based programming in order to address this human rights violation has escalated. As this brochure describes, advocates and defenders of women’s and girls’ safety and rights, as well as international agencies, national policymakers and donors, need to to understand the nature and magnitude of the violence. They seek information and guidance on how statistically sound data can be collected on a subject that, though present and often pervasive in most societies and cultures, is sensitive and often hidden.


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Cairo Declaration

Cairo Declaration


Declaration adopted at the ICPD Beyond 2014 Regional Conference on Population and Development in the Arab States held in Cairo from 24 through 26 June 2013. 

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Regional Situation Report For Syria Crisis


SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC: UNFPA calls for urgent action to en¬hance the functionality of emergency obstetric care services, as the percentage of Caesarean sections in public health facilities soared from 29 per cent in 2009 to 45 per cent in 2013. UNFPA initiates new reproductive health forms in ten private hospitals in the most five affected governorates, enabling more women to have access to emergency obstetric care services free of charge. 

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Rabat Declaration


Declaration adopted at the Arab States Regional Forum on Gender-Based Violence held in Rabat, Morocco, from 28 through 29 November 2013. 

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