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The Right to Dignified Ageing - A guide to establishing rights-based policies for older persons in the Arab Region

The Right to Dignified Ageing - A guide to establishing rights-based policies for older persons in the Arab Region
The Right to Dignified Ageing - A guide to establishing rights-based policies for older persons in the Arab Region



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The Right to Dignified Ageing - A guide to establishing rights-based policies for older persons in the Arab Region

Publication date

08 June 2022

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The Right to Dignified Ageing a guide to establishing rights-based policies for older people in the Arab region is the result of a partnership between UNFPA Arab States Regional Office and HelpAge International to make older persons rights visible in laws, policies, strategies, measures, research and data.

The Guide aims to better align national ageing strategies and policies with a comprehensive human rights approach. It also provides a practical tool for policy makers to formulate new, and revise existing, strategies on ageing, to better align them with the human rights standards formulated in the APA Resolution on Ageism, Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing and Arab Regional Ageing Strategy 2019 – 2029 initiatives.