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Lebanon UN Flash Appeal

Lebanon UN Flash Appeal
Lebanon UN Flash Appeal



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Lebanon UN Flash Appeal

Publication date

16 August 2020

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The Beirut Port explosions on 4 August created significant immediate humanitarian needs and severe long-term consequences. Building on existing humanitarian response efforts, a comprehensive, effective response to this emergency requires three phases of activity. Such a plan should quickly transition from immediate humanitarian relief into recovery, reconstruction and eventually longer-term economic recovery. This humanitarian Flash Appeal focuses on the first phase and the early parts of the second phases of the response, and the activities covered will save lives, protect the most vulnerable and set the stage for subsequent longer term reconstruction and economic recovery, which constitutes a third phase.
The first phase will prioritize life-saving responses and protection. These activities continue alongside the pre-existing humanitarian response for the Lebanese and non-Lebanese population, including Syrian and Palestine refugees and migrants.
The second phase will deliver recovery and reconstruction interventions to restore public infrastructure, rehabilitate private homes and stabilize the wider situation. Some recovery responses which must be implemented with no delays alongside life-saving
activities in order to prevent a rapid growth in humanitarian needs are included in the Flash Appeal.
Although third phase interventions are not included in this immediate humanitarian Flash Appeal, the international community must support these efforts. Economic recovery remains crucial and would constitute a final part of a comprehensive response.


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