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Flash Appeal: Needs overview in Idlib and Al Hol

Flash Appeal: Needs overview in Idlib and Al Hol
Flash Appeal: Needs overview in Idlib and Al Hol



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Flash Appeal: Needs overview in Idlib and Al Hol

Publication date

19 June 2019

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Mounting tensions in Northern Syria culminated in a military campaign targeting Northern Hama and Southern Idlib. These events continue to exact a heavy toll on civilians and civilian infrastructure in North-Western Syria. In May, around 270,000 displacements were recorded in Northwest Syria. Recent estimates show that up to 700,000 people could be displaced from Northern Syria, including 200,000 temporary displacements if military escalations take place in the de-escalation zone. Access to healthcare continues to be an essential need for the newly-displaced individuals and for host communities, including an estimated 10,800 pregnant women.

In Eastern Syria, in March 2019, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) resumed the offensive on the last ISIL-held enclave of Baghouz village (located in Deir ez-Zur governorate), resulting in additional displacements to Al Hol camp. While the offensive has since ceased, the population at the camp today stands at 73,654 people, 90% of whom are women and children, including 23% under the age of five, and 8% are nursing mothers.

Escalating violence and displacement often exacerbate women’s vulnerability to higher risks of maternal mortality and morbidity, and increase the threat of gender-based violence and harmful practices. Over 50% of maternal deaths occur in humanitarian and fragile settings. Additional displacements further strain already-stretched coping mechanisms of individuals and families, leading to desperate measures that further increase the likelihood of protection threats, such as exploitation and early marriage.

UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, aims to provide integrated sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and gender-based violence (GBV) services, including family planning supplies, personal hygiene items, counselling, gynaecological consultations, ultrasound diagnostics, ante-natal care, post-natal care, psychological first aid, psychosocial counselling, referral for safe deliveries, comprehensive emergency obstetric and neonatal care, legal assistance, and case management. The collective required funding to ensure service delivery to newly displaced populations in Syria is 14.6 million dollars.

For more about the developments of the situation in Northern and Eastern Syria and UNFPA’s response and funding need, see the attached document.
