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Assessment of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Integration in Selected Arab Countries: Phase II

Assessment of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Integration in Selected Arab Countries: Phase II
Assessment of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Integration in Selected Arab Countries: Phase II



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Assessment of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Integration in Selected Arab Countries: Phase II

Publication date

01 December 2019

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UNFPA-ASRO in partnership with the Middle East and North Africa Health Policy Forum (HPF), launched an assessment of SRH-integration into PHC in 11 Arab countries in 2017–2018.
The research was conducted in two phases, the second phase builds on the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) integration assessment tool that was – developed by both partners - and used for a similar analysis in 2017 in six Arab countries. This year, five more countries (Lebanon, Libya, Tunisia, Oman and the United Arab Emirates) are added to the initiative and it is intended to provide policymakers and stakeholders in the Arab states with insight about the current status of integration of SRH in primary health care services as a priority for the achievement of SRH –SDGs. The outcome of the expanded analysis will inform the development of an integration-enhancing framework that will optimistically  be adopted by the different countries to advance SRH integration into primary health care at the national and sub-national levels.