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Addressing unintended pregnancy in the Arab region

Addressing unintended pregnancy in the Arab region
Addressing unintended pregnancy in the Arab region


UNFPA, Middle East and North Africa Health Policy Forum

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UNFPA, Middle East and North Africa Health Policy Forum


Addressing unintended pregnancy in the Arab region

Publication date

20 October 2020

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Abortion continues to be a key contributor to maternal mortalities and morbidities in the Arab states region. With zero preventable maternal deaths and zero unmet need for family planning clearly articulated as strategic priorities of UNFPA at global, regional and national levels, UNFPA Arab States Regional Office (ASRO) in partnership with Middle East North Africa Health Policy Forum (MENA-HPF) launched this desk review and analysis that scanned available data and literature to analyze the situation of abortion-related legislations and practices, the magnitude of unsafe abortion and its root causes in the Arab states region.

The analysis looks at the consequences of unsafe abortion, attempts to address the challenges related to unsafe abortion and the necessity of fulfilling women’s and adolescents’ right to accessing family planning information and services as an effective measure to preventing the recourse to abortion and reducing subsequent mortalities and morbidities. The analysis highlights that respecting women's rights particularly in accessing quality reproductive health and family planning information and services is an effective measure to curb the burden of disease and mortalities related to unsafe abortion as well as a plethora of other contributors to maternal mortalities.