Launch of the SWOP Report in the Arab Region
Sweeping global gains in sexual and reproductive health and rights over the last thirty years are marred by an ugly truth – millions of women and girls have not benefited because of who they are or where they were born, according to the 2024 State of World Population report. The UNFPA Regional Office for the Arab States and the UNFPA Country Office in Egypt will launch the report, commemorating International Populat...
SWOP Panelists during the launch event. ©UNFPA Arab States
Press Release
Arab countries that prioritize women and girls in their development efforts have made significant progress in the face of polycrisis and emerging megatrends.
Statement from UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem on World Population Day
For humanity to progress, people must be counted, wherever they are and whoever they are – in all their diversity. To end inequality, to find and grow peace and prosperity, to weave more threads of hope, the world needs to do more for inclusion.

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