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One of the key pillars of effective humanitarian response is the collection of quality data to improve decision making and support advocacy efforts. As needs grow and funding gaps widen, humanitarians are being called upon to strengthen the design, quality, and effectiveness of the programmes being implemented, and to establish knowledge-driven foundations upon which better and more coordinated responses can be developed. 

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Towards scaling up comprehensive sexuality education in the Arab Region: an operational guide for UNFPA staff and partners worki

Towards scaling up comprehensive sexuality education in the Arab Region: an operational guide for UNFPA staff and partners working on CSE implementation


This regional operational guide on comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is intended to help UNFPA personnel in the Arab Region and their CSE implementing partners to better understand and use opportunities to advance CSE in national policies and accountability mechanisms, and to provide UNFPA Country Offices and counterparts with concrete and concise guidance on recommended approaches and possible entry points to plan and lead effective CSE programs in the Region. This operational guide also offers justifications to advocate for favourable policy environments and increased investments in CSE at the Regional level.

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UNFPA Regional Situation Report For the Syria Crisis — September 2022

UNFPA Regional Situation Report For the Syria Crisis — September 2022


As of September 2022, Syrians and host communities throughout the region continue to face the escalating impact of a protracted humanitarian crisis, further complicated by a deteriorating economy, continuing hostilities, and chronic and emerging health threats, including an unrelenting pandemic and a worsening cholera out break. The crisis region, which spans the Whole of Syria, Türkiye, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt, continues to face a multitude of challenges, particularly in light of the recurrent waves of COVID-19 infections that continue to exacerbate existing needs. A decade into this protracted crisis, people in need continue to endure the cumulative effects of years of instability, the risks of which are even higher now due to the impacts of a far-reaching economic meltdown.   

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Through Their Eyes: Climate change and economic inequality in the MENA region

Through Their Eyes: Climate change and economic inequality in the MENA region


UNFPA, Save the Children and UN ESCWA  joined together to hold a Regional Hearing on Climate Change and Economic Inequality in the MENA and Arab region, speaking together with 44 children and adolescents from 12 countries, including Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen.


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UNFPA Regional Situation Report For the Syria Crisis — July 2022

UNFPA Regional Situation Report For the Syria Crisis — July 2022


As of July 2022, Syrians and host communities throughout the region continue to face the escalating impact of a protracted humanitarian crisis, further complicated by a deteriorating economy, continuing hostilities, and an unrelenting pandemic. The crisis region, which spans the Whole of Syria, Türkiye, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt, continues to face a multitude of challenges, particularly in light of the recurrent waves of COVID-19 infections that continue to exacerbate existing needs. A decade into this protracted crisis, people in need continue to endure the cumulative effects of years of instability, the risks of which are even higher now due to the impacts of a far-reaching economic meltdown.

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Regional Syria Crisis SitRep - June 2022

Regional Syria Crisis SitRep - June 2022


As of June 2022, Syrians and host communities throughout the region continue to face the escalating impact of a protracted humanitarian crisis, further complicated by a deteriorating economy, continuing hostilities, and an unrelenting pandemic. The crisis region, which spans the Whole of Syria, Türkiye, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt, continues to face a multitude of challenges, particularly in light of the recurrent waves of COVID-19 infections that continue to exacerbate existing needs. A decade into this protracted crisis, people in need continue to endure the cumulative effects of years of instability, the risks of which are even higher now due to the impacts of a far-reaching economic meltdown.

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Sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights regulatory frameworks across the Arab states region

Sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights regulatory frameworks across the Arab states region - Jordan


This policy guidelines undertaken in collaboration with the American University in Beirut, build on the regional sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights (SRHRR) policy guidelines report and focus on the situations of Iraq, Jordan and Palestine. These policy guidelines seek to ensure a comprehensive and holistic coverage of all necessary SRHRR policies with targeted recommendations to support SRHRR  policies, programmes, interventions and advocacy. 

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Sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights regulatory frameworks across the Arab states region - iraq

Sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights regulatory frameworks across the Arab states region - Iraq


This policy guidelines undertaken in collaboration with the American University in Beirut, build on the regional sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights (SRHRR) policy guidelines report and focus on the situations of Iraq, Jordan and Palestine. These policy guidelines seek to ensure a comprehensive and holistic coverage of all necessary SRHRR policies with targeted recommendations to support SRHRR  policies, programmes, interventions and advocacy. 

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Sexual and Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights Regulatory Frameworks across the Arab States Region - Palestine

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights Regulatory Frameworks across the Arab States Region - Palestine


This policy guidelines undertaken in collaboration with the American University in Beirut, build on the regional sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights (SRHRR) policy guidelines report and focus on the situations of Iraq, Jordan and Palestine. These policy guidelines seek to ensure a comprehensive and holistic coverage of all necessary SRHRR policies with targeted recommendations to support SRHRR  policies, programmes, interventions and advocacy. 

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Top 20 Donors: 2021 Global Statistics

Top 20 Donors: 2021 Global Statistics


The Top 20 Donors 2021 brochure presents recent funding trends, share and volume of core and non-core contributions, number of core donors and ranking of donors for the current year. It thanks all donors for their support and links to the 2022 Core Campaign. 

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