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Yemen: Task Force on Population Movement (TFPM( - 12th Report Executive Summary


This is the 12th report of the Task Force on Population Movement (TFPM), which is a Technical Working Group of the Yemen Protection Cluster. The report details the latest snapshot on displacement and return in Yemen providing indicative findings related to displacement/return trends, area of origin, duration of displacement, shelter situation and top priority needs.

The data used for the 12th report was collected through October and November, 2016. The TFPM collects data in monthly cycles to monitor trends and provide a further comparative basis for analysis. For this reason, since the publication of the 11th report there have been two ‘rounds’ of data collection supporting the validation of the statistics published in this report.

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Iraq: Mosul Humanitarian Response


Situation Report No. 14 (26 December 2016-1 January 2017)

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News from the Arab Region


Highlights of UNFPA work and humanitarian response in Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Libya, Palestine, Tunisia, Lebanon, Syria, Algeria and Somalia, November 2016.

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Midwives on the front line


Humanitarian crises, and the associated population displacement, are a large and growing problem across the globe. Countries in the Arab States region feature prominently in global statistics for fragility and humanitarian crises: according to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), in 2015 40% of the world’s refugees, internally displaced persons and asylum seekers originated from this region, and countries in this region host 34% of the world’s forcibly displaced population. These statistics underline the urgent need for action, both in reaction to current crises and in terms of building resilience to possible future crises.


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UNFPA in the Arab Region: Responding to Humanitarian Emergencies


Even under normal conditions, reproductive health issues are a leading cause of death and illness among women of childbearing age. But when a crisis strikes, skilled birth attendance and emergency obstetric care often become unavailable, exacerbating the vulnerability of pregnant women. Moreover, during conflicts, natural disasters and other emergencies, plans for a humanitarian response can easily lack adequate services for the immense sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs among any affected population. Women face other threats as well. The absence of health services and other factors can increase the risks of contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. And the breakdown of protection systems often leads to a rise in gender-based violence (GBV). In addition, the burden of care women assume for children and others can make it difficult for them to take proper care of themselves. Women may neglect their own needs as they care for their families and neighbours.

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Manual on Social Norms and Change


This manual is meant for training programme managers to promote the abandonment of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). 

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UNFPA Humanitarian Action Overview


Today more than 75 per cent of people affected by humanitarian crises are women and children. And adolescents aged 10-19 years constitute a significant proportion of the population in many conflict and post-conflict settings.  

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2015 Annual Report of the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting


The UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Accelerating Change started in 2008 and has just completed the first half of its Phase II implementation period (2014–2017). 

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UNFPA Annual Report 2015

Annual Report

This annual report shows how UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, helped millions of women and girls gain the power to realize their full potential and transform their lives.

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In Fighting Back Tears ... Clinging to Dreams. Syrian Women in Their Own Words, a different picture of Syria emerges than the one we normally see. 

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