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UNFPA RESPONSE IN YEMEN Monthly Situation Report #02 – February 2017


On 8 February, the United Nations and humanitarian partners launched the 2017 Humanitarian Response Plan with an international appeal for US$2.1 billion to provide life-saving assistance to 12 million people in Yemen in 2017. This is the largest consolidated humanitarian appeal for Yemen to be ever launched. UNFPA as part of this Plan has appealed for $22.1 million to meet the urgent sexual and reproductive health needs and prevent and respond to gender-based violence.



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UNFPA IRAQ COUNTRY OFFICE: Mosul Humanitarian Response


Since military operations in western Mosul began on 19 February, approximately 8,000 people have fled from western Mosul and its surrounding villages to locations south of Mosul city. People arriving at these locations are often exhausted and dehydrated. Emergency kits of food and water have been distributed to 8,800 people in camps and emergency sites, in addition to distributions to displaced people moving to these locations.


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UNFPA Jordan resumed providing services to Syrians stranded in the no-man’s land “the berm” between the Jordanian and Syrian borders, after months of disruption of services due to security reasons UNFPA Jordan with working with a local implementing partner established a new reproductive health clinic at the berm to serve more than 70,000 Syrian people living in dismal conditions. Meanwhile UNFPA Syria delivered 170,600 reproductive health and GBV services to the crisis-affected people across the country


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UNFPA IRAQ COUNTRY OFFICE: Mosul Humanitarian Response 5 – 12 February 2017


As of 12 February 2017, some 152,448 people were living in displacement while over 9,100 have in the past week returned to areas recently retaken by government forces in eastern Mosul. Food, water and fuel are scarce in western Mosul, leading to negative coping mechanisms. It is highly likely that the humanitarian situation will continue to deteriorate as commercial supply routes remain cut off and stocks cannot be replenished.

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UNFPA in the Arab region: working on gender equality, the empowerment of women and girls, and sexual and reproductive health and rights


Today, it is widely recognized that improving the status of women and girls and advancing their rights can be a benefit for the whole society. Ensuring access to sexual and reproductive health services and to protection from gender-based violence, among other important measures, improves the health of families and contributes to the economic well-being of entire communities, including during humanitarian emergencies. Many international instruments, conferences and, lately, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have underscored the importance of giving women and girls, including adolescent girls, their rights and eliminating any violence or discrimination that targets them.

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UNFPA IRAQ COUNTRY OFFICE: Mosul Humanitarian Response



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Iraq: Mosul Humanitarian Response Situation Report No. 18 (23 January - 29 January 2017)


On 29 January 2017, 161,208 people were living in displacement due to the Mosul emergency.Since the crisis began, some 188,000 people have been accumulatively displaced, with nearly 30,000 returns having taken place.

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UNFPA Humanitarian Action 2017 Overview


Today more than 75 per cent of people affected by humanitarian crises are women and children. And adolescents aged 10-19 years constitute a significant proportion of the population in many conflict and post-conflict settings.


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Regional Situation Report for Syria Crisis #52


UNFPA and partners are scaling up efforts to empower and improve the lives of Syrian women and youth and impacted communities inside Syria and in host countries, including by advocating for human rights and gender equality, to better cope with and recover from the crisis.

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UNFPA response in Yemen


Situation Overview

More than 19 months of the conflict in Yemen has left an estimated 18.8 million people in need some kind of assistance or protection in order to meet their basic needs, including 10.3 million who are in acute need. This represents an increase of almost 20 per cent since late 2014, according to the 2017 Humanitarian Needs Overview, released in November 2016. The report also indicates that an estimated 14.8 million people lack access to basic healthcare, including 8.8 million living in severely under-served areas. Medical materials are in chronically short supply, and only 45 per cent of health facilities are functioning.

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