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Overview of Funding Needs / Regional Syria Crisis Response 2023

Overview of Funding Needs / Regional Syria Crisis Response 2023


This document provides an overview of the funds required for UNFPA's regional response to the Syria crisis in 2023. 

UNFPA is appealing for a total of $182.3 million, which includes includes an appeal of $134.9 million to fund UNFPA’s regional Syria crisis response across the Whole of Syria, Türkiye, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt, in addition to $33.6 million to fund its response to the February earthquakes in the Whole of Syria and Türkiye, $7.2 million to fund the Lebanon Emergency Response Plan, and $6.65 million to fund the Sudan Emergency Response Plan.        

In light of the extensive humanitarian needs in 2023, compounded by economic deterioration and the devastating impact of the February earthquakes, women and girls throughout Syria and host communities are more reliant than ever on humanitarian assistance, making the consequences of underfunding both significant and far-reaching.  

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Until Every Need is Met

Until Every Need is Met - Advocacy brief


The Syria crisis is a prime example of how women and girls almost invariably bear the brunt of the impact of humanitarian crises, with assessments showing that the lives of Syrian women and girls are marked by mutually reinforcing forms of violence and gender inequality, often exacerbated by discriminatory attitudes based on age, displacement status, disability, and/or marital status. This has been conducive to the normalisation of gender-based violence and the creation of an environment in which women and girls are consistently devalued, controlled, exploited, and then blamed for the violence they face. 

This advocacy brief summarises the key findings, challenges, and recommendations of a gender analysis, commissioned by the Syria Senior Steering Group (SSG) and conducted by UNFPA, of existing HNO and HRP data and sectoral assessments to advance gender equality and GBV risk mitigation in the Whole of Syria humanitarian response and inform the 2024 Whole of Syria  Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) and Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP). 

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Empowered to Choose - Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Highlights

Empowered to Choose - Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Highlights


UNFPA's experience in different humanitarian contexts has shown that cash and voucher assistance (CVA) is a powerful instrument that can save lives, alleviate risks, and help women and girls escape abusive environments. 

By giving women and girls greater access to vital services and empowering them with the freedom to choose, UNFPA has found that CVA can directly contribute to the realisation of the Three Transformative Results of zero unmet need for contraception, zero preventable maternal deaths, and zero gender-based violence and harmful practices, which UNFPA is committed to achieving by the year 2030.

This fact sheet provides an overview of key achievements made in 2022 under UNFPA’s CVA programming throughout the Arab region and Türkiye. 

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UNFPA Regional Situation Report For the Syria Crisis — June 2023

UNFPA Regional Situation Report For the Syria Crisis — June 2023


Halfway into 2023, Syrians and host communities throughout the region are living through one of the worst years of the crisis. People in need continue to face the escalating impact of a protracted conflict, further complicated by a collapsing economy, climate-related challenges, and chronic and new emergencies, including the massive earthquake that struck Türkiye and north-west Syria in February 2023.

The crisis region, which spans the Whole of Syria, Türkiye, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt, continues to face a multitude of challenges, particularly in light of widespread and ongoing humanitarian challenges in multiple countries, far-reaching inflation and economic recession, as well as the wider impacts of the other crises in the region and beyond. More than twelve years into this protracted crisis, people continue to endure the cumulative effects of years of instability,
the risks of which are even higher now due to extended disruption in community networks and the rule of law.

The Regional Situation Report for the Syria Crisis offers a bird’s eye view of UNFPA’s operations within the context of the Syria crisis. The report
is prepared by the UNFPA Regional Humanitarian Hub for Syria and the Arab States (The Hub) in Amman, and spans operations led by UNFPA offices in Türkiye, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt, in addition to operations led inside Syria, both from Damascus and cross-border via Türkiye.

In addition to providing aggregated quantitative results for each country involved in UNFPA’s regional Syria response, this report also brings stories from the field that highlight the plight of communities inside Syria and in host countries, underscoring the positive impact of the response delivered by UNFPA in the areas of sexual and reproductive health, gender-based violence, youth engagement, and others.

The quantitative data presented in this report is cumulative, covering achievements made in 2023 as of the reporting month.

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 UNFPA Regional Situation Report For the Syria Crisis — March 2023

UNFPA Regional Situation Report For the Syria Crisis — March 2023

Situation Report

As of early 2023, Syrians and host communities throughout the region are living through one of the worst years of the crisis. People in need continue to face the escalating impact of a protracted conflict, further complicated by a collapsing economy, climate-related challenges, and chronic and new emergencies, including the massive earthquake that struck Türkiye and north-west Syria in February 2023. The crisis region, which spans the Whole of Syria, Türkiye, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt, continues to face a multitude of challenges, particularly in light of widespread and ongoing humanitarian challenges in multiple countries, far-reaching inflation and economic recession, as well as the wider impacts of the war in Ukraine. More than twelve years into this protracted crisis, people continue to endure the cumulative effects of years of instability, the risks of which are even higher now due to extended disruption in community networks and the rule of law. The Regional Situation Report for the Syria Crisis offers a bird’s eye view of UNFPA’s operations within the context of the Syria crisis. The report is prepared by the UNFPA Regional Humanitarian Hub for Syria and the Arab States (The Hub) in Amman, and spans operations led by UNFPA offices in Türkiye, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt, in addition to operations led inside Syria, both from Damascus and cross-border via Türkiye. In addition to providing aggregated quantitative results for each country involved in UNFPA’s regional Syria response, this report also brings stories from the field that highlight the plight of communities inside Syria and in host countries, underscoring the positive impact of the response delivered by UNFPA in the areas of sexual and reproductive health, gender-based violence, youth engagement, and others.

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Sudan Emergency: Situation Report No.2 (22 May 2023)

Sudan Emergency: Situation Report No.2 (22 May 2023)

Situation Report

Fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) continued into its second month. According to UN estimates, over 1 million people have been displaced since the conflict began on 15 April, about 843,100 of whom are internally displaced within Sudan.1 The states hosting the highest numbers of newly displaced people are White Nile (212,265) and West Darfur (156,565) followed by River Nile (116,445) and Northern State (112,510).2 Meanwhile, renewed clashes were reported in Central Darfur and South Darfur, with fighting escalating in West Darfur leaving civilians without access to health care, water and basic supplies.

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Türkiye-Syria Earthquake Joint Situation Report #4

Türkiye-Syria Earthquake Joint Situation Report #4

Situation Report

In the early hours of 6 February 2023, multiple earthquakes, the strongest being of 7.7 magnitude, struck southern Türkiye and northern Syria, creating a disaster of colossal proportions. Following the initial quake, around 17,000 aftershocks occurred until March 13, highlighting the vulnerability of the region to future earthquakes and the severe risks facing communities.

In addition to leaving hundreds of thousands of people, mostly women and children, without access to shelter, food, water, heat, and health care, the emergency is further compounding the risks of gender-based violence. In Syria, close to nine million people have been affected by the devastating earthquakes. The damage is worse in the north-west, where more than 4.2 million people have been affected in Aleppo, and three million people have been affected in Idlib. More than 7,400 buildings have been completely or partially destroyed. In Türkiye, nearly 50,000 people were killed and tens of thousands more were injured due to the earthquakes, while over 216,000 people from affected areas have been relocated to other provinces, according to Türkiye’s Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD).

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UNFPA Sudan Emergency Situation Report #1

UNFPA Sudan Emergency Situation Report #1

Situation Report

On 15 April 2023, clashes erupted between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces, with devastating consequences for civilians. According to UN estimates, as of 6 May, around 334,000 people are estimated to have been internally displaced - mainly in the states of Khartoum, Northern, Blue Nile, North Kordofan, North Darfur, West Darfur and South Darfur - and over 120,000 people have fled to neighboring countries. 

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UNFPA Regional Situation Report For the Syria Crisis  - Feb 2023

UNFPA Regional Situation Report For the Syria Crisis — February 2023

Situation Report

The Regional Situation Report for the Syria Crisis offers a bird’s eye view of UNFPA’s operations within the context of the Syria crisis. In addition to providing aggregated quantitative results for each country involved in UNFPA regional Syria response, this report also brings stories from the field that highlight the plight of communities inside Syria and in host countries, underscoring the positive impact of the response delivered by UNFPA in the areas of sexual and reproductive health, gender-based violence, youth engagement, and others.

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State of world population report 2023 - 8 Billion Lives, INFINITE POSSIBILITIES

State of world population report 2023 Highlights - 8 Billion Lives, INFINITE POSSIBILITIES


In November 2022, the world’s population surpassed 8 billion people. Our human family is now larger than ever before. Collectively, we live longer and enjoy healthier lives than at any other point in human history. Yet ours is also a world of anxiety and uncertainty. Challenges like climate change, economic upheaval, confl ict and COVID-19 have brought us to a crossroads, where the threat of a worse future for humanity feels just as possible as the promise of a better one.

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