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UNFPA Regional Situation Report for Syria #63



436,190 reproductive health services delivered to Syrians

 21,578 deliveries supported, including 10,853 C-section deliveries

31,067 gender-based violence services provided to Syrians

22,463 women accessed women safe spaces


 34,191 reproductive health services delivered to Syrian refugees

 2,434 beneficiaries received gender-based violence services

 25,13  Syrian refugees accessed women safe spaces and participated  in activities in camps and host communities

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UNFPA Monthly Situation Report for Yemen #11 - November 2017


Highlights of the Month:

On 6 November, ‘temporary’ closure of all of Yemen’s airports, seaports and land crossings took effect, disrupting the delivery of humanitarian assistance to 27 million people. UNFPA and all humanitarian actors called for the borders to be re-opened and flights to be resumed, stressing that continued closure will sharply aggravate humanitarian crisis in Yemen and bring millions of people in Yemen closer to starvation and death. Of particular concern was on the lives of 52,800 pregnant women who risk complications with immediate danger to their lives if they do not get urgent life-saving maternal care and medicines.


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Ageing in the Arab region: Statistical Trends and Policy Perspectives


The population in the Arab region is expected to nearly double and a half by 2050, increasing from 281 million people in 2000 to an almost staggering 659 million, so from 6.02 percent of the total population in 2000 to 15.2 percent by 2050. This is a 60 percent increase during the 35 years from 2015 till 2050.

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A Framework for Sexual and Reproductive Health Integration in Primary Health Care of the Arab States


In 2015, member states of the United Nations committed to “leaving no-one behind”. Such commitment has consequences and costs that are not necessarily available in developing countries. Separately, and for decades, Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services in the Arab region have been provided in silos, with high fragmentation and cost to the different health systems and individuals. It is, therefore, necessary to identify ways to improve the efficiency and quality of healthcare provision and freeing resources to help leave no-one behind.

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UNFPA has expanded the network of services to rural parts of AlHassake to cover 279 villages. The number of mobile teams visiting the surrounding rural towns and providing comprehensive health services increased from seven mobile teams at the beginning of the year to reach ten mobile teams and eight static clinics. This expansion helps out to improve the referral system.

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UNFPA Monthly Situation Report for Yemen #10


 Some 20 million people require humanitarian assistance, seven million of whom are severely food insecure, staving off the threat of famine. Despite challenging conditions and lack of funding, UN and humanitarian parties are providing direct assistance to more than 7 million people each month.


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UNFPA regional situation report for Syria crisis, Issue # 61 September 2017


Several youth initiatives held in Syria. Jordan Cross-Border works to localize reproductive health services.


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State of the World Population Report 2017 - Highlights


Gaps in wealth have grown wide within most countries. Billions of people linger at the bottom, denied their human rights and prospects for a better life. At the top, resources and privileges accrue at explosive rates, pushing the world ever further from the vision of equality embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


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State of the World Population Report

State of World Population Report

UNFPA’s Worlds Apart report calls for actions that lead to a brighter future, where all women govern their own lives, have equal access to sexual and reproductive health care and have the knowledge, skills and power to find gainful employment.

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Yemen Situation Report #09 September 2017


Yemen enters the third year of armed conflict with no clear end in sight. The result of the crisis has left some 15 million people lacking adequate access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene, and health services; seven million people are faced with the threat of famine; further exacerbated by the largest single year cholera outbreak ever recorded.


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